Hello everyone! Next Monday, October 28, 2024, we will hold a Cadet Social after school in the PVMHS cafeteria. We will have food and games, invite your friends, and wear your best costume! We plan to have a good time!
Colonel’s Birthday
Hello everyone! Today, October 20th, is Colonel’s birthday! If you see him, wish him a happy birthday! He’s been an awesome instructor to our cadets. Happy birthday Colonel!
2024 November Raffle Starting!
Hello everyone, we have officially allowed sales for the 2024 November raffles! If you would like to purchase tickets digitally, please click “Click for Online Payment” on the calendar on the new page, it will be linked here! If you would like a physical ticket, encounter one of our cadets selling tickets. They will be sold for $10 each. We hope to see a lot of you guys supporting us, we thank you all for the support!
Fundraiser Dinner Payment
Hello everyone, my sincerest apologies for not posting this earlier, but if you guys want to pay online, you can scan the QR code on the flyer if you have been given one, or you can click this link below:
CheddarUp Link
Again, I apologize for posting this late. We hope to see a lot of you guys there! Thank you!
Hello everyone, just wanted to announce that the website is back up and running and actively getting updated. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us through the contact page. Thank you.
Uniform Turn-In
A reminder to those who have not returned their uniform yet, please do so! If you are on the Chain of Command, please talk to Sarge about getting OCPs. Thank you.
Website Notice
Hello everyone, hope everyone is doing well, and I hope the cadets are having a fantastic vacation!
I will be sharing with you an update on the website, and some announcements! First off, great job to the drill team as they closed the season with the last comp at the school! Videos to the performance will be below the rest of the announcements.
I have removed the newsletter as it serves no real purpose, nobody has subscribed to it so far, and also most of the announcements will be posted on TeamSnap, and parents are welcome to join the TeamSnap group for announcements and reminders, including events.
Next year, this website will be getting a completely new design. I am hoping to make it a very modern appearance, and I want to create a video that will show on the top. I want to include videos from all after-school activities, and since most of the seasons are closed, I will need to wait until next year to do this task. There will also be a Cadets page, showing the Chain of Command, and all Enlisted Cadets.
That’s all I wanted to let everyone know of, thank you!
New Cadet
UA Duals 2
UA Duals 1
UA Regulation Varsity
UA Regulation JV
Armed Inspection
UA Inspection
Armed Color Guard
UA Color Guard
Mixed Color Guard
10th Grade MCAS
Hello, Sophomores! This week, Tuesday and Wednesday is the ELA 10th Grade MCAS! Here is the schedule for Tuesday and Wednesday. Please remember, if you are a Sophomore, you still must come here at 7:15 am like usual. Everyone else can come at 10:30 am.
Drill Comp – March 9th
Congratulations to our drill team cadets for performing at Lowel High School last Saturday, March 9th! We got 1st place in Unarmed Duals and 5th place in New Cadet! This comp we had a mixed color guard team and a 2nd duals team! Below are videos of the comp!
Boys CG
Girls CG
Mixed CG
New Cadet
Duals 1
Duals 2
UA Inspection
Armed Inspection
Armed Regulation
UA Regulation Varsity
UA Regulation JV
Drill Meet Expectations
Cadets, our next drill meet is THIS SATURDAY, 9 MARCH. Here are some things you need to know:
– Male cadets should have their hair cut and IN REGULATION. Shave SATURDAY MORNING so it is fresh! Female cadets will be wearing BUNS, make sure they are tidy. If you need help, don’t be afraid to ask. The go bag has bobby pins, hairspray, elastics, etc. No more than three conservative rings. If you have nail polish/acrylics on, please make sure you either take it off or check to see if the color/length is in regs. Only one set of studs in your ears!
– Clean and buff out any scuffs on your corframs, we want them to look neat and put together.
– Flight caps should be clean and brought with EVERYONE. If you do not have one, please let me know ASAP.
– There will be food items available during the day, but you may absolutely bring whatever necessities you see fit. Bring cash if you plan on grabbing something!
Lastly, the Inspection questions are posted on Google Classroom. I will attach the Quizlet here, but please make sure you KNOW THESE!